Colour Swatches


Colour Swatch Tests  – to determine resulting colours from direct exposure of colour darkroom paper

Click on the links below to view and download interactive pdf’s. (Simply click on the colour strip you require to reveal enlarger settings or the resulting colour – sorry, not iPhone/iPad compatible)

Colour Wheel

Colour Swatches – colours

Colour Swatches – transparent

These scales have been arrived at through use of an LPL 7452 enlarger, with expired FujiCrystal paper, and processed through RA4 chemistry using a Thermophot 505. The resulting strips were scanned and the white point set to the ‘paper white’ to give a consistent result.

There are many variables that can affect the exact colour results and this should only be used as a rough reference guide.

All tests were done with the enlarger head 50cm from the base board, with an 80mm lens at f22, using a 6×7 holder. There was no ‘clear’ negative in the holder to potentially balance out the red cast produced from the film base. The test strips were done at 0.5 sec intervals, with the ‘diffusion grating’ opened fully.

Oct 2013